Monday, November 2, 2009

Deceptive Desires

Is the saying true once a cheater always a cheater? Can a cheater be reformed? You have been dating a man for a few months and he has female friends but you are secure in your spot. One night he was supposed to show up for your date night. He never shows up. You get a call in the wee hours in the morning that he is in the hospital. He begins to tell you how his "friend's" husband beat him up because the wife stated she is in love with your man. As he is telling you the story it does not jive with you but you remain in control and tell him you are on your way to the hospital. He turns down your request. Yet he is adamant about the fact that she has not come to see him. How hurtful is that? I was so hurt I had to look at his messed up his face and kiss away his pain. After he healed I broke it off . It was too much pain to bear. Cheating is such a devastating act. Although they say it has nothing to do with you it cuts you deep straight to the core of your heart. It has been years since that happened but it has a lot to do with why I am not ready to be in a relationship again. I cannot help but wonder if I will make the mistake of falling for another cheater. I have learned that it is best not to cheat. It is better to just to walk away. Cheating often has a lot to do with underlying issues that the cheater has not resolved. Your love cannot medicate their illness. You deserve to be with someone who will be committed to only you. A little honesty would have cured a lot of my heartache. When you leave a cheater you come away feeling as if there is something you could have done differently. Truthfully, it does not matter what you do they will cheat regardless, if that's is their intention. You could hold him/her down and be there for them mind, body and soul and he/she will still stray. If your heart is not with the person you are with love them enough to let them go. No sense in being selfish pouring salt into an infected wound.

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